Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Witness of a Fail Raid

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Character: Senzir [ Death Knight ] (rip--deleted toon.)
Realm: Anub'arak


I finished a disappointing battlegrounds match, and I returned to the Battlegrounds area in Undercity, which lies in the Apothecarium. I mount on my Deathcharger and was about to ride to the Trade Center until I saw yellow text appear rapidly in the General Chat text box on the bottom left corner of my screen. The same words kept appearing in yellow: "Undercity is under attack!"
Being the curious person that I am, I became excited and was ready to investigate. I turn my mount towards the exit of the room, and I see a large group of people enter, each with their own name hovering over them, in red text. Red text...red text...I stood there, and it took me a moment to put it together. Red text...Alliance..Undercity under attack...These are the ones attacking Undercity!
Oh, got it.
But this time, their entire raid group had already entered the room, killing the guards that surrounded the boss--Sylvanas. I thought, hey, maybe if I stay still they won't kill me. Why I thought that, I have no idea, but no, they killed me anyway, and very easily, too.
I die and decide to walk back to my body, where I can also watch the raid take Sylvanas on. I res my body only to die again shortly after. I tell people on the Trade Channel about the current happenings occuring in the UC, and when I came back the third time, at least a dozen level 80 Horde players were there with me, surrounding the boss and killing off the entire Alliance group. I revive and back up into a corner, throwing off aoe's and other long range attacks. As I do this I see in the corner of my screen, some red text. I back up more and look down, only to see a pink haired dwarf mage sitting down, drinking some water to regain mana. He didn't seem to mind me, so I decided not to mind him. I /wave'd him, and as he got up to go out into battle once more, a purple ray shot out towards him, engulfing him and pulling him to a nearby Death Knight, who killed the poor kid in one shot.
This happened throughout the room, Alliance bodies flying left and right, at the complete mercy of the Horde. They didn't even get Sylvanas to half life before they were wiped out, and at the end stood Sylvanas and the Horde victorious, and the bodies of the dead Alliance scattered around the circular room. We then hailed Sylvanas, /hail, /bow, and etc. and walk up to the bodies of the Alliance who had yet to release spirit, and do various things to them.../spit, /lol, etc.
The Alliance would come back and try to ressurect their bodies, but we would see them and kill them immediately. Some were dumb enough to res in front of Sylvanas, who shot them dead in one shot. Others would res and make a run for the exit, only to have someone hit them dead with a long range attack. A few tried to hide as they hearth'd but that didn't work out either. Eventually they simply gave up and jus took the res sickness.
Eventually all the Alliance would give up, and in place of the fallen bodies of the Alliance were skeletons tiled throughout the room, forming a pattern of dead bodies surrounding the Banshee Queen.

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